La agricultura era muy importante.
Tenían una dieta básicamente vegetariana.
La única carne que consumían era hígado, rico en carbono y celulosa, que era mal asimilado por el organismo. Al no consumir carne las proteínas eran muy escasas.
El maíz era considerado el alimento nacional y su hurto estaba muy castigado, incluso con cortar los brazos al ladrón.
La cosecha de coca era para el Inca. Sólo consumían coca los nobles y estaba prohibida para los trabajadores para no mermar sus fuerzas.

Agriculture was very important.
They had a basically vegetarian diet.
The only meat they consumed was liver, rich in carbon and calulose, which was poorly assimilated by the body. The proteins were very scase because they didn't consumed meat.
Corn was considereted the national food and its theft was very punished , even with cutting the arms of the thief.
The coca harvest was for the inca. Only the nobles consumed coca and it was forbidden for the workers not to deplete their forces.

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